
Within COREALIS Project 41 Deliverables are foreseen. These documents reflect the project results and outcomes and are written and reviewed by the project experts. As soon as the documents are officially released, the Public Deliverables (PU) as well as an executive summary of the confidential (CO) ones will be provided on this section.


COREALIS will take every opportunity to present its developments and findings in relevant international conferences, workshops and other events of great importance.

In this section COREALIS related presentations performed in such events as well as technical and scientific papers are available for download!

Dissemination Material

In this section COREALIS dissemination material (fact sheet, overview pptx, brochure, poster, roll-up, logo, logo manual) is available for download.

Media Center

In this section COREALIS media presence in newspapers, magazines, internet-based websites and portal news as well as on the radio is available!


In this section COREALIS newsletters are made available as a valuable communication and reliable information pipeline towards amplifying the impact of COREALIS and raising awareness on the project results


In this section COREALIS webinar presentations as well as an audiovisual recording are available!